Author: admin

  • How to install Owncast v0.0.12 on Ubunto 20.0.4

    Install curl Remove Apache Add a new user Switch the user Change directory Download Owncast Change directory Run Owncast Output Exit as user Install a couple of packages Setup certbot Create a certificate Remove the default configuration Add a new configuration With the following content Nginx test Nginx restart Setup the firewall Change directory Add…

  • How to enforce https for Nextcloud

    Add the following code to the existing .htaccess file Best is to place it inside the block:

  • How to install Gitlab on Raspian Bullseye

    You should use a Raspberry Pi with at least 4 or better 8 GB RAM. In case you use a MicroSD then it is also good practice to not work with SWAP on the Raspberry Pi: After that let’s install some stuff: Install Postfix to be able to send emails: Usually we would now run:…

  • How to upgrade Raspbian Buster to Raspbian Bullseye

    At first update the old system. Then replace buster with bullseye in /etc/apt/sources.list: And finally start the update and upgrade process: In case the last command causes the following error: Try: And then continue with this: Time for a reboot? Finished.

  • Hello, React! with NPM and Visual Studio Code on Windows 10

    In the post Hello, React! with Notepad on Windows 10 I inserted all the JavaScript into a <script>-Element. In this post I’ll insert it into an own index.js file. As you may can see in the picture above I use a local server to open the file. So to get started create a new folder…

  • Hello, React! with Notepad on Windows 10

    In the post Hello, React! with CodePen I showed on how to run React with the help of CodePen. In this post I’ll do the same locally but only with Notepad and again with no special code editor. To get started open Notepad and insert the following code into it:

  • Hello, React! with CodePen

    For small experiments with React it is not always required to carry a full featured code editor like Visual Studio Code around. Instead: the web based CodePen can be used and to get started this requires also no registration. To create a “Hello, React!” project click on “Start Coding” on their website. A code editor…

  • How to use dotenv and Express.js with ES6 modules

    (Optional) Initialize git version control Initialize a new project and answer all questions Install dotenv and express In package.json insert “type” : “module” to allow the import of modules like this Create a file .env and insert Create a file server.js and insert Insert in a terminal

  • Manually add a library to Arduino IDE on Windows 10

    At first download the library. On Github for example with “Download ZIP”. Then locate the Sketchbook directory (In Arduino IDE: “File” > “Preferences”) and put the unzipped library there. Restart Arduino IDE and check if the library is present.

  • Install Arduino IDE with support for ESP32 on Windows 10

    1. Open the Microsoft store and search for “Arduino IDE”. Once found hit the install button. 2. Start Arduino IDE and within the menu go to “File” > “Preferences” and add the following additional board management url. Click on “OK” to save the setting. 3. Go to “Tools” > “Boards” > “Board Management”. Search for…