Category: React

  • Hello, React! with NPM and Visual Studio Code on Windows 10

    In the post Hello, React! with Notepad on Windows 10 I inserted all the JavaScript into a <script>-Element. In this post I’ll insert it into an own index.js file. As you may can see in the picture above I use a local server to open the file. So to get started create a new folder…

  • Hello, React! with Notepad on Windows 10

    In the post Hello, React! with CodePen I showed on how to run React with the help of CodePen. In this post I’ll do the same locally but only with Notepad and again with no special code editor. To get started open Notepad and insert the following code into it:

  • Hello, React! with CodePen

    For small experiments with React it is not always required to carry a full featured code editor like Visual Studio Code around. Instead: the web based CodePen can be used and to get started this requires also no registration. To create a “Hello, React!” project click on “Start Coding” on their website. A code editor…